020 7060 0999

Netfixx Fire Alarm Maintenance

A responsible person recognises the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and understands the lawful duty placed upon them to uphold fire safety which includes the fire alarm system.

After a fire alarm system has been installed in a building and handed over to the building occupiers, business life in the building takes over and the fire alarm becomes a background component, particularly since its passive nature means that no one comes into contact with the fire alarm system in the way that building occupiers use the lifts or vending machines. Having to walk up the stairs only to discover that you can’t get a coffee has a very tangible effect!

Most occupants don’t know where the fire alarm system is.

Building alterations, no matter how minor, can dilute the effectiveness of smoke detection and audible alarm volume. Everyday dust and microscopic airborne insects are attracted to smoke detectors creating potential for false alarms, at which point building occupiers become all too familiar with the fire alarm system – for all the wrong reasons!

We all recognise the benefits of servicing everyday items such as our central heating boiler or our cars. A fire alarm system is no different and benefits equally from professional care whilst keeping the Responsible Person on the right side of the law.

What does routine test and inspection of a fire alarm achieve?

  • Reduced false alarms, by responding in advance
  • Maintain efficiency relative to the surroundings
  • Functional testing to ensure all equipment actually operates to specification
  • Peace of mind for building occupiers
  • Insurance policy compliance
  • Obligation fulfilled for the Responsible Person
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Netfixx Fire Alarm Maintenance

A responsible person recognises the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and understands the lawful duty placed upon them to uphold fire safety which includes the fire alarm system.

After a fire alarm system has been installed in a building and handed over to the building occupiers, business life in the building takes over and the fire alarm becomes a background component, particularly since its passive nature means that no one comes into contact with the fire alarm system in the way that building occupiers use the lifts or vending machines. Having to walk up the stairs only to discover that you can’t get a coffee has a very tangible effect!

Most occupants don’t know where the fire alarm system is.

Building alterations, no matter how minor, can dilute the effectiveness of smoke detection and audible alarm volume. Everyday dust and microscopic airborne insects are attracted to smoke detectors creating potential for false alarms, at which point building occupiers become all too familiar with the fire alarm system – for all the wrong reasons!

We all recognise the benefits of servicing everyday items such as our central heating boiler or our cars. A fire alarm system is no different and benefits equally from professional care whilst keeping the Responsible Person on the right side of the law.

What does routine test and inspection of a fire alarm achieve?

  • Reduced false alarms, by responding in advance
  • Maintain efficiency relative to the surroundings
  • Functional testing to ensure all equipment actually operates to specification
  • Peace of mind for building occupiers
  • Insurance policy compliance
  • Obligation fulfilled for the Responsible Person